Westside Gunn Launching Wrestling Promotion Company

Written by on August 6, 2022

Westside Gunn Launching Wrestling Promotion Company


‘WWE Superfan’ Westside Gunn has announced he is launching his own wrestling promotion company called 4THROPE. The company is already working with former WWE NXT wrestler Parker Boudreaux. Gunn has a long history with professional wrestling and is a big supporter of the company. He has previously worked with HOG Wrestling and Brian XL.

Wrestling has long been a favorite sport for hip hop. But for whatever reason, it’s often unrequited. Sadly, rappers don’t often have the opportunity to promote a wrestling company. But that’s beginning to change. Westside Gunn wants to change that. He is a huge fan of the sport and has always dreamed of being able to start his own promotion company.

His new endeavor is another step in a long and fruitful career for the entrepreneur. He’s putting his creative skills to good use by collaborating with others who share the same passion. ‘Griselda‘ and “Wrestling Star” both owe a lot to Westside Gunn.

The announcement of his new company’s launch coincided with the departure of Greg Hamilton from WWE. While the nature of Hamilton’s release is not completely clear, it is likely related to the Westside Gunn beef. He had previously threatened Westside Gunn‘s lawyers with legal action. The move was unsettling for WWE, but the exact cause of Hamilton’s abrupt release is unclear. If he’s being released because of the Westside Gunn feud, it is a big step.

Gunn was reportedly in Japan in support of New Japan wrestling when the news was announced. The two had a spat over some unspecified reasons, and Gunn claimed that the company had used sample recordings of his voice. He had also apologized publicly for comments he made regarding Lio Rush. He has also threatened to sue former ring announcer Greg Hamilton if WWE finds the videos offensive.


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