President Biden To Pardon Marijuana Possession Convicts Under Federal Law

Written by on October 6, 2022

President Biden To Pardon Marijuana Possession Convicts Under Federal Law


The announcement comes days after Biden urged state governors to de-schedule marijuana, calling it “an outdated and unproductive tool.” The former vice president’s decision was widely praised by marijuana advocates, but some criticized it as a “blanket pardon.” Sen. Ed Markey of Massachusetts, who chairs the Congressional Progressive Caucus, called the decision “a desperate attempt to distract voters.” However, many Democrats have been pressing Biden to fulfill his campaign promise for years. For example, Sens. Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders wrote Biden nearly a year ago urging him to deschedule cannabis.

The president’s proclamation will expedite the process of issuing pardons to cannabis possession convicts who committed marijuana offenses. The pardons will restore a person’s civil and political rights. Biden has also directed federal agencies to review the classification of marijuana. The drug is currently categorized as a Schedule I substance, a level of control that puts it above heroin, methamphetamine, and fentanyl.

Biden’s pardons would benefit thousands of people across the country. Many of these individuals have a prior federal conviction for marijuana possession, and these convictions often prevent them from accessing employment, housing, and education. In addition, these individuals are more likely to be racial minorities.

While granting pardons is a welcome step toward restoring rights denied felons, it is a mistake to underestimate the massive role of marijuana in the criminal justice system. The drug accounts for 40 to 50 percent of all drug arrests in the United States and disproportionately affects poor and minority communities.

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