NORE Apologizes For Kanye West Comments On Drink Champs Interview

Written by on October 18, 2022


NORE Apologizes For Kanye West Comments On Drink Champs Interview

Kanye West recently appeared on the Drink Champs podcast where he made some controversial remarks. The rapper claimed that fentanyl was to blame for the death of George Floyd. He also claimed that the Jewish media was blocking him, and that JPMorgan Chase treated him like shit. Since that time, the episode has been taken down, but not before N.O.R.E. apologized to listeners. The rapper said that the comments were part of his learning process and that he regrets his remarks.

Following the backlash, N.O.R.E. called Hot 97’s Ebro in the Morning show today and apologized for not holding Kanye West to account in the interview. He explained that he did not realize the full extent of West’s comments until he watched the video. He said that he would not be so forthcoming in the future, but that he is willing to learn from his mistakes.

On Twitter, N.O.R.E. responded to a question about the interview, at 3:40. He explained why he did it, given that Ye had made anti-Semitic comments recently. He also condemned the “racist and hateful” rhetoric Ye used in his interview. He went on to apologize for his remarks, and he said that he had not intended for them to go public.

Later, N.O.R.E. apologized for the incident and defended the show’s position. He said that his remarks were too drunk to have any impact on the event. He apologized for his error, and his team will do the same in the future.

The rapper also apologized to Floyd’s family and said he’ll do better to edit the footage in the future. He added that he didn’t want to have a “Birdman” moment like the one he had during a Breakfast Club interview in 2016. “I didn’t think that my comment would be so hurtful,” he said.

While he didn’t explicitly say so, N.O.R.E. condemned some of Ye’s remarks on social media. He emphasized that he checked his word and did not want to imply that George Floyd’s death was the result of fentanyl, which is not true. In fact, the rapper implied that Floyd was killed by police.


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